Blogpost Conclusion
Raymond Furre
The blogposts needs a better conclusion. The conclusion created today is a) too long b) contain video/images c) have content which belong to the blog post body and not the conclusion. d) doesnt contain a clear Call-To-Action. The conclusion should be short, give a brief summary of the blogpost, and have a call-to-action built in.
Thomas Tomiczek
That is NOT making it better -that is adding a button to turn it off. I think people did not complain about the conclusion in general but about the atrocious prompting that led to the AI writing a mechanic style AND your workflows not making a conclusion but something with full images at times in it. Adding a "turn it off" button was not completing it - it is a bandaid at best. It is something I will now do on all presets - but only because i then will have to write a workflow to add a proper conclusion to the article by my own AI loop.
Afonso Matos
Hello everyone.
Along with a formatting update, we've just released the Conclusion feature.
You can toggle this on the Preset setting.
Thomas Tomiczek
Make it more flexible. ALlow us to define roughtly (preset) an outline, but mostly differnet styles. The conclusion is not needed on an informal post. it is not needed on most articles - in particularly not in this obvious AI fashion. heck, looking fo a long conclusion is a giveaway for AI generated articles.
Afonso Matos
Afonso Matos
Agreed, we'll make this better.